Early Identification of Cognitive Impairment
Clara brings care to patients before it is too late, impacting their treatment, healthcare systems, and drug development.
Remote Monitoring
of Your Health
With Clara we can identify early stage mild cognitive impairment via remote screening and ongoing monitoring, allowing your doctor to track your health and take care of you.
Personalized Assessment Tool
Clara gets to know people, events, and places from your own life, and generates a customized test for you.

How Does Clara Work?
Your Digital World
Clara creates a digital representation of your personal world by learning more about the people in your life, memorable events and places that you are familiar with.
Orientation Assessment
Disorientation has been shown to be a sensitive cognitive marker for Alzheimer's disease. Building on what Clara learns about you, she creates a personalized test for orientation performance in the spatial, temporal and social domains.
Smarter Diagnosis
Using machine learning algorithms, Clara compares your orientation performance to a large database of patients to provide your healthcare provider critical information to help with your diagnosis and treatment.
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